Monday, August 5, 2013

Yeah for the Weekend, Boo for Monday

What a great weekend - the weather was perfect, high 70's low 80's, just a slight breeze - slept with the windows open!  What a great start to August!  The husband and I ate all our meals on our deck overlooking the lush green corn fields and fell asleep at night hearing the coyotes yipping! 
I had two great trails rides with friends, my horse walked by a herd of cows without jumping out of his skin, I watched some great eventing at a nearby horse park, and we walked the worlds greatest dog and ate yummy frozen yogurt - I highly recommend the root beer float yogurt at Orange Leaf!

And of course I spent time reading! Sunday morning the worlds best dog and I pulled up a chair on the patio had a pop tart and coffee and immersed  ourselves in  The Orchardist by Amanda Coplin. I am reading this a part of a partner read that I am doing through Bound Together a group I belong to on Goodreads.  Everyone who signs up to participate in the partner read is assigned a partner and then you compare your to be read lists picking a book you have in common.  And boy am I glad that my partner and I had The Orchardist in common - this is simply an amazing debut novel!  The writing is stark, beautiful and the story captivating - I am in love!  Be watching for my complete review! 

And a pic of the worlds greatest dog sun bathing while I read!

And finally, I got a LIBRARY CARD!  After three years of living in my current city I finally got a library card - I think this is the longest I have ever gone with out one and consquently I was spending way too much money downloading books to my Kindle!  Yeah for saving money!

Oh and boo Monday - -back to work.....


  1. Boo for Monday is right, but glad you got a good book! Have a great day.

  2. Thanks, a good book helps get through the work week!


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